Pod & Broadcasters

Blake is "The Homeless Conservative." From Oklahoma City (fitting) he's been a life-long conservative, and Republican - until now. Feeling abandoned by his party, or a faction of it, Blake tackles issues with his traditional conservative values. He's available on "The Homeless Conservative" and "The Lunchtime Happy Hour."

Retired "tech guy" and investor turned social scientist. Join David as he learns how to "bring down the temperature" on something our society seems to crave - Anger Porn! Listen to Outrage Overload, on Yergz Radio

Retired para-medic, turned Para Or Normal podcaster / broadcaster. Join him and the team for Para Or Normal Guyzs and The Misfits. He likes long walks on the beach, and holding hands - with Big Foot!

Jane is a retired English teacher who could not stop advocating for her beloved hometown, Boyertown, Pennsylvania, USA. In addition to managing the town's art studio and co-editing the town's digital news site, Jane hosts the "B Inspired Podcast" as well as co-hosts "Both Sides Now," along with Yergz, our station owner and another on-air talent. Join Jane to "B Inspired" as you consider "Both Sides Now"!

Matt is a native Ohioan and experienced crypto investor. Check out his podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Harvard educated, former democrat, now republican; Philip Blackett is the Mastiff.Media "Trump Translator." Join him Wednesdays for "Up The Middle: Translating Trump" and for other episodes throughout the week.

Matt, Blake and Yergz, with some occasional "drinking buddies," take you "Up The Middle" with discussions on International, National and political newz. Join them, live, every Friday at 12 noon ET, and then throughout the week, on Yergz Radio!

Host of the Kyote Small Business Podcast and owner of Kyote Marketing, Thomas Wu hails from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He brings his marketing expertise, and that of his guests, to you with the Kyote Small Business Podcast.

Station Owner, and resident Political Scientist. More later!